Supplies Warehousing & Distribution Program
Genuine Supplies Solutions – FlexShip Program
At Genuine Supplies, we're committed to bringing you the most cost-effective solution for your custom label application. This is why we offer our FlexShip Program. With this program, you'll enjoy the lowest possible price by allowing us to run your product in volume...up to your quarterly (90 day) usage amount. Additionally, we'll only ship and invoice your product when you tell us to release it. This means that you not only save money, you can also save valuable warehouse space by only bringing in what you need, when you need it.

The Program is Simple:
- Custom run product only. Program is not available for stock product.
- Program is supported from all DLS distribution locations.
- Your order value must be at least $1000.00
- We'll warehouse your product for up to 90 days
- We'll release what you want when you want it, anytime within the 90 day period
- You will only be invoiced as we release your product